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Family Photography Shoot - Orpington, Bromley

It is always lovely when you go to a friend's hous to have a photography session with their family. I have to admit that it was really a good excuse to see their new house since they'd moved out of London 'proper'.

The weather was fantastic. Although it was October, it really felt like a summer's day. So short sleeves, or pretty summer dresses for their 4 year old daughter, with a wonderful colourful background of autumnal colour in their garden all provided a wonderful setting for this family photography shoot.

Nicola and Steve have two beautiful children, Daniel, who is nearly two (who has the most amazing eye lashes), and Caitlin, who I mentioned above.

When I arrived at their house both children were very excited and I was soon shown their wonderful garden. Once Daniel had thoroughly inspected my lens (he had a real fascination for my camera - the macro lens had to be got out to focus so closely), he then moved onto the 'family-sized' swing and Caitlin showing me the pretty flowers. We played several games and had lots of fun blowing bubbles, climbing trees, playing peek-a-boo from behind the big conifer and generally running around. Nic and Steve arms were well and truely toned with the lifting and swinging of their two children.

We then returned to the house for some well-earned snacks and drinks, followed by some drawing and sticking.

We never had any plans for a formal family photography shoot, which was lucky judging by the way the family set to with a pillow fight on the sofa!

A final collapse on mummy and daddy's bed to get a classic family feet photograph. An end to a lovely, fun day and lots of lovely photographs.

Family photographer - Orpington, Bromley

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